Sometimes issues hit you and make you think — you may be thinking what does blindness have to do with kitchens?

CFRB – Talk Radio 1010 has been advertising for a Canadian company called #esighteyewear which provides electronic eyewear that allows the ‘unsighted’ to see.  Pretty amazing stuff!

Thank you Conrad Lewis – the  Canadian engineer of this technology.

Misani has done work for clients with varying degrees of disabilities throughout the years.  Being in the custom world, we build our product to exact specifications.

Can you  imagine how cumbersome cooking would be without sight?

The utility and function of a kitchen, bathroom or home for that matter is something we sometimes take for granted. The Misani team works really hard to exceed our client expectations — we can only imagine what this potential gift could do for our clients with special needs. What an opportunity!

Visit for more information on this engineering breakthrough.